About Us

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Simon Acres Training

Simon Acres training is a platform for you to improve your specific skills

Utilise the diversity of our team skills, experience, and knowledge that will offer you solutions and support your personal development and business growth.

With a unique range of consultants, we will become your first choice provider for all training needs:

  • Considered recruitment
  • Accredited sales training
  • Digital marketing
  • End to end web development
  • Experienced business consultancy

All our training courses are available online and you can learn at your own pace.

We help you stand out from the competition, improve sales conversions and increase profits.

Contact us on 0203 701 6660 or better still, visit our offices and review our dedicated training facility.

Business Merchant Federation

We are training providers of the largest UK Builders Merchant trade association, the BMF. We offer our support to around 400 members.

In addition, Simon Acres is an approved BMF trainer and appointed ambassador for the group.